Wednesday, August 12, 2009

South Beach Most lucrative Buisness

I have come across so many great business ideas of my own in these tough times in hopes of boosting my income. Perhaps that is why so many woman I have met share ideas with me.

I must say South Beach has the most unique and creative ideas when it comes to income.

Now as someone who loves sex as much as I do,
I can appreciate there creativity and I am sure they never get bored! Look at the bright side at least some woman are doing what they do and love most. I mimic as Steve Jobs saying verbatim " You must do what you love" and I add what your best at!

There is
Kim. So petite that from first glance you would assume she is no more then 12 years old. She has found that unlike her previous job stripping which really was more work they she liked. Her new business venture is simply to dress up as a child and allow men to diaper her..I kid you not. She proudly states she no longer has to blow them! Nice talk being that she was once a devote reborn christian. But hey Jesus isn't paying her condo assessments and times are tough. Imagine the shock when she emails the guys the video of them naked and talking to her as if she is a little girl. How ingenious of her to Video tape all of this by simply statically placing her phone on the dresser. One "client" she boosts is even a priest ! SO i guess she feels some nostalgia of her past!

Next : The tall blond beauty. She keeps charts of the 5 men she sleeps with. All very wealthy and most married. 5 men a week times 4 weeks that's $20,000 a month as I see it. One night of pleasure will cost them $1000 for her abortion and time off of work. As she points out to them its a lot less then child support and the aggravation of telling there current partners about the bundle of joy she will be having! Funny thing is that her last STD made her infertile! I am sure one way or the other its a matter of time there devoted partners find out with a raging STD!

Then you have Linda. A beautiful woman who looks are so unique the only person I can imagine her resembling a
nd comparing her to is Pocahontas from the Disney film. At 23 she poked a few holes in that condom the rich executive (balding and ugly I add for the sake of the visual ) he insisted he wore during the brief liaison they shared. 9 months later she is in a luxury condo with a full time maid and nanny and the Range Rover paid in cash! As she points out the fear of being exposed to his pregnant wife should be all she needs for a secure future for her and her child!

So as they say prostitution might be the oldest profession but its taken on a whole new twist her in South Beach!

MIami Social TV Show and The reality of it all!

Miami Social

All the hoopla about Miami Social the new series on Bravo TV. Truth is , its the perfect depiction of life in Miami for the single fabulous folk. Better yet single and I think I am so fabulous folks.

I have my own version of life in South Beach my own personal version of "Miami Social" filled with lessons well learned Everything happens for a reason. Life has a way of proving over and over if you think out of the box and do not judge on a visceral emotional ego induced reaction you can actually step back and see if as it is. A life where it only LOOKS fun. I speak for only myself of course.

Yes , I met so many in my short two year span in which I became synonymous with the Miami night life. I could walk past any velvet rope with ease and more so be appreciated for my uniqueness. But alas ,with that comes those who only envy and ride your coat tails and take without any sense of appreciation but more so a theory of entitlement. Those who take and take until you finally say "enough" and eradicate them like a cancerous tumor. . more so when they take advantage of people who you care about. Which is a whole other topic. Men being jaded and woman who view friendship as just another opportunity for the next free dinner or party invite. Welcome to Miami where most are beautiful enough to wear that polka dot bikini!

Now I know that some might say . "Oh Alisa just get over it or who are you to judge" My response I am not judging just applying my experience to remind myself of how shallow life in Miami can be when you seek nothing more then the next event or party! I did it so perhaps I feel I have the right to look back and apply what I learned when choosing people who are now in my life. Friendships must be reciprocal more so filled with unconditional love.

I do agree that I am not easy. I have zero tolerance for any BS or stupidly and more so I just don't shut up and say its OK to think you can treat people that way. With that comes a huge backlash. For me nothing more then something I chalk up to experience and learn from. I have no regrets for walking away. It has been a journey of course. More so like doing a steep hike in a pair of stilettos.
So many of the people I met all shared a common bond living in and around South Beach. All being in situations we preferred to drown out. For me Music was my drug. Getting lost dancing all night to avoid the bed that had become so cold and empty since my heartbreak. A relationship I mourned and felt that familiar" I cant swallow pain" every time I went home alone. SO I didn't bother going home. Staying out all night night after night.

So as the story goes I get a random face book email one day from a beautiful woman who told me in a very friendly matter it seemed I was the "it' girl since she left. Escaping the reality of divorcing a man she still loved and due to the lifestyle she craved so much .Loving a man who worked at a club, leaving him and running off to Paris after meeting the nephew of a well known designer with promises of new love. She came back to Miami and I welcomed her into my world and we had a blast .A very short typically South Beach relationship that was and one I knew would not end well. Her boyfriend who she admitted she was only with due to his family name and the possibilities of a life filled with luxury and promises of baby she yearned for. A baby her ex husband refused to have with her. Promises of a rich life when his uncle would die. I was still feeling the sting of one of those typical Miami burn feeling that comes after you realize a person who isn't sober only appears larger then life when in that drug induced state. I explained to her how I felt about men and people. She had no worries I didn't want her man. I had made many choices of not dating any man who did any type of drugs or part of a life in the "nightlife". He came to Miami to see her and what a visit that was! She seemed very much so in need of time and sent us off for me to entertain him. Which I did taking him to a party she refused to go to. It was that night the second day after meeting him he told me had he not met me first he couldn't settle for what she offered which was nothing more then her beauty. I reflected on the night before We had a crazy night. As usual taking photos. But this photo shoot took a turn by her insistence and was so risque even i was I was uncomfortable . Her biting his neck twisting his nipple while he held me. Not that I care but out of respect I removed the photos because I knew it appeared to be less then it was. After a late night we all went back to his place on Fisher Island..(his uncles place actually) I started to fall asleep and she insisted I sleep in the bed. Nothing happened but in the morning she accused me of playing footsy with her man. I knew then the honeymoon was soon over not for them but us. It only got worse. She stayed in my home in my room and did nothing but complain, In fact she called my house a shit hole. I guess when your used to free loading from men and staying on Fisher Island the house I own on the water paid for by no one but me would appear to be that. It got worse her obsession with her ex husband . Her fits her rages and more so her constant accusations including publicly saying I was in appropriate with her coke head boyfriend.Final straw came when she texted me hysterical dreaming of dead babies and the baby she never had with her ex husband, Totally irrational lying on the floor at her loft which like her car was about to be reposed. She needed me again but this time I didn't drop everything to come rescue her. In her words I should be honored it is me who she chooses to call. More so she knew I had the ability perhaps to call and ask a Doctor for the drugs she felt she needed to mask her pain. Favors I never ask for myself yet she thought she was entitled to. of course there where many favors gone unvalidated. Her lack of common sense never ceased to amaze me. From trying to get pregnant with men who only used her for sex to running up her phone bill thousands of dollars. And yes of course I was stupid enough to offer her a phone on my plan. As the story goes she called Paris , 411 , and stuck me with the bill. It was really my pleasure cutting off her phone line. I only wished i could cut her off as abruptly! This is of course is my version of number 100 of how things go wrong with crazy party whores. How could I ever look back and miss that?

That is just one of the many examples of South Beach and its lack of respect for real friendship.Of course I have many other examples.

Best experience was from a woman who unlike the others was married. I mean to each own. But when you travel all over reaching out to friends of friends and ask to stay with them with and without your husband and more so after being told that it crosses the boundaries, This was truly one of the classic stories of Miami and how it breeds sociopaths . I asked her to publicly stop bashing a mutual friend and the next day I had emails sent to mutual friends making claims I accused people of date rape. Its like watching a science excrement into the making of a very ill and psychotic mind! More so the lesson that friendship in Party town is all about who wants to party and has nothing to due with reality , loyalty or better standing up for the truth!

Each was a lesson well learned to clear the path for a healthier lifestyle. One where I learned if you love and respect yourself you don't allow others to disrespect you! Once you find true happiness life becomes just that REAL and TRUE!

South Beach Party Girl Diet

Dieting South Beach Style

I will start this blog like I do any other . Disclaimer of sorts . Apologizing first for my grammatical errors. I might have writing talent but my learning disorder and memory issues has only been a challenge when it comes to "To" , the "too's", there's and the theirs! At least I got the Your and the you're down pat. That only took twenty years to master.

I have come to contact with so many woman and men in South Beach. Most woman beyond genetically blessed. Even with age . So often you see photo's of "friends" way it there late 30's and you think how is it possible they look the way they do? Photo after photo of typical Sobe pool parties where you see woman who look like food was a distant past thought! Very distant!
The Inside scoop..
South Beach and little dirty secrets when it comes to achieving a body where ribs protrude, stomachs lay flat making it all possible to wear little but nothing!

The things I have heard when it comes to weight loss which is part of any conversation once you get past the simple gesture of greeting someone hello. Perhaps it is I who brings this out. My curiosity insatiable in the quest for a better body. A war I have battled my entire adult life. Being blessed early in life with a perfect body that was ravished by the effects of a pregnancy at the age of 18. Suffering maternal diabetes my body ballooned to over 250 pounds far cry from the previous 114 pounds I weighed prior.At 5'10 it was quite the sight. To make matters worse I carried my pregnancy weight until my late 20's. Being told over and over by nutritionists and Doctors that my metabolism was beyond repair and it would be impossible for me to lose the weight. For some eating less and meticulously counting the 800 calories a day I consume would be classified as an eating disorder. For me it is just a cruel twist of fate.
Trick number one in South Beach:


That oh so larger then life persona its worst after effect! It might take your appetite away but as it might seem makes you thirsty as hell and able to consume bottle after bottle of magnums ordered for those who allow you to sit and free load just because you have that emaciated South Beach look that has become "normal".
Of course you can find the traditional methods of laxatives . But truth be told if your all decked out in Dolce and Gabbana your latest sponsor treated you to who has time to spend shitting all day on the toilet? Besides as sexy as you can be in that D&g farting will kill that vibe as quickly as the one you accidentally let escape!
Lets not forget Ipicate (sp) .
Its previously was used for children who accidentally ate poison . One small doses and that lunch you felt guilty eating is gone sooner then your last love affair..
Recently Ipicate was banned in the United States but easily accessed and traded among those who seek it. Yes there are clicks of woman with eating disorder who share the wealth. I mean who wants to party alone after all?
I mean if all your friends are doing it then it must be ok? HMM makes you wonder who is the president of that club? One thing is for sure she is thin! that really matters. Besides the effects of Ipicate is loss of gag reflex and that can only be helpful in fining new "sponsors" for trips and shopping liaisons!
But the best diet trick I save for last. Coming from the most well maintained woman in her 40's who graces any sidewalk like it is a Paris runway! Tall , svelte and beautiful, with a sense of regal class unlike most. Talking as usual in her eloquent and graceful manner she speaks of times she has been required to lose weight as simple as one would talk about the weather or latest current economic crisis. "ALisa darling..nothing like a great stomach virus or is that should fail you..just place a pound of shrimp for a few days on your porch and let rot. Blend the concoction with plenty of lemon to disguise the taste and suffer for two days .. another little trick just make sure your toilet and your sink are close as it will be coming up and out from both ends. Nothing works better or gets you thinner quicker she states!
So next time you look at envy at how beautiful South Beach is reflect on how ugly the diet tricks are to maintain the look you so envy!